Auction starts at 7:00 pm
In person preview will be held from Dec 4 – Dec 6.
Dec 4 – 5 11:00am to 5:00 pm
Dec 6 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
清 仿古饕餮紋三足爐(帶蓋)
China, 19th century Dimensions 4” (10.3 cm) H Of archaistic form raised on three blade feet and with handles above the rim, glazed in a deep sacrificial blue enamel glaze. Carved and pierced hardwood cover. NOTE: The Absence of condition report should not be taken as statement that there are no condition issues. Potential clients […]
Estimate: $400-600
Price Realised: $1000
清乾隆 紫金釉碗
China, Qing Dynasty, 19th century Dimensions 8 1/8” (20.6 cm) dia Of shallow wide form with an everted rim, the exterior glazed in a light café-au-lait, the interior white, Qianlong mark to base. NOTE: The Absence of condition report should not be taken as statement that there are no condition issues. Potential clients are urged […]
Estimate: $800-1200
Price Realised: $2000
清 青花雙鳳蓮紋高足碗
China, Late Qing Dynasty, 19th century Dimensions – 4 ¼” (10.8 cm) H, 6 ¼” (16 cm) dia Bowl of shallow wide form with everted rim, rising from a tall conical stem, painted to the exterior in cobalt underglaze blue with lotuses and a pair of phoenixes, the interior with lotus and double rings, 6-character […]
Estimate: $3000-5000
Price Realised: $3000
铜鎏金坐莲民國 天藍釉靈芝洗佛像
China, Republican Period, early 20th century Dimensions 5 ¼” (13.35 cm) W Shaped as a large lingzhi sacred fungus with smaller fungus braching from the bottom, the bowl shallow and the whole glazed clair-de-lune blue lightening at the edges and rims and some details. The underside raised on 3 lingzhi shaped feet and with an […]
Estimate: $300-500
China, Ming Dynasty, 16th century Dimensions 15” (38 cm) H Seated in virasana on a large integrally cast lotus throne with a splayed base, the left hand held in the lap in dhyanasana (meditative gesture) and the right in bhumisparsa (Calling the Earth to witness Enlightenment). The image of the Historical Buddha, Sakyamuni (Siddhartha Gautama) […]
Estimate: $3000-5000
清 銅鎏金持法器大成立佛像
Tibeto-Chinese, 19th century Dimensions 6” (15 cm) H Standing in Alidhasana to the right on a single lotus base, clad only in a tiger skin loin cloth, with a serpent necklace, bracelets, armlets and anklets, his large head with prodigious curly hair, the right hand raised and pointing in the standard iconography of the Mahasiddha, […]
Estimate: $1200-1500
近代 料胎畫琺瑯鼻煙壺
Canteen shaped milk glass snuff bottle painted in bright enamels with birds and flower below lappet bands in the manner of Ye Benqi (1932-1963). Apocryphal Qianlong four character mark to the base. NOTE: The Absence of condition report should not be taken as statement that there are no condition issues. Potential clients are urged to […]
Estimate: $800-1200
清 青花蓮紋阿爾巴雷洛型鼻煙壺
China, Qing Dynasty, late 19th century Dimensions 1 7/8” (4.7 cm) H Cylindrical form of a 15th century European albarello with a flat everted rim and pronounced footring, the body painted un underglaze cobalt blue with lotus and tendril vine in the Ming style, the base with an apocryphal Qing Yongzheng mark. No stopper. NOTE: […]
Estimate: $1000-1500
清 鱔魚黃釉梅瓶鼻煙壺
China, Kangxi Period, 18th century Dimensions 2 ½” (6.5 cm) H Of meiping form covered in an even dark green “tea dust” or “eel skin” glaze and closer to the latter. Iron brown thin glaze to the base. PLEASE NOTE THIS LOT IS TO BE OFFERED WITHOUT RESERVE. NOTE: The Absence of condition report should […]
Estimate: $200-300
明 青花花鳥紋葵口盤 “富貴長春”款
China, Ming Dynasty, 16th to 17th century Dimensions 6.1 inch (15.5 cm) dia Four ogee petal rims rising from the shallow dish, painted in blue and white with a windowed scene of birds and flowers at the plate, a band of flowers at the rim, and flowers scrolls at the exterior, the base bears a […]
Estimate: $400-500
清 青花開光花卉紋盤 花押款
China, Qing Dynasty, 18th century Dimensions 10 inch (25.5cm) dia A shallow dish with flat rim, painted in blue and white, the central roundel with flower basket, surrounded by eight alternating panels of flowers and a decorative patterns, the rim with lined pattern, the exterior with simple flower scrolls, and underside with a seal of […]
Estimate: 600-800
金 河南型黑釉茶碗
China, Jin Dynasty, 1115-1234 Dimensions 7.25” (18.4 cm) dia Angular sides with a pronounced thumb groove just below the outer rim, the conical body tapering to a splayed foot (unglazed). Dark iron brown-black glaze covering 2/3 of the exterior and revealing a cream white biscuit body. Ex. Pao and Moltke, Toronto, ca 1980-1990. For the […]
Estimate: 2500-3000
元 吉州黑釉油滴天目茶盞
China, Yuan to early Ming dynasty, 13th to 15th century Dimensions 4.25” (10.8 cm) dia Of deep conical form with slight inward curve to the rim, unglazed foot, and with a dark brown to black glaze lightening to café at the rim, faint oil spot patterning to the interior. Old restoration to the rim in […]
Estimate: 500-700
南宋 吉州窯玳瑁貼花茶碗
China, Southern Song dynasty, 12-13th century Dimensions 4.25” (10.8 cm) dia Deeply flared sides tapering to a hidden footring, the base without concavity, the exterior with a cream and dark brown “tortoiseshell” glaze lightening to café-au-lait at the foot, the interior with three diamond shaped orchid paper cut reserves with hidden Chinese characters set in […]
Estimate: 4000-6000
隋 坐獅像及男立俑各一支
China, Sui dynasty, 6th century Dimensions 10” (25cm) H and 11” (28cm) H Terracotta figurine set composed of a seated lion and a standing male figurine; red pottery leonine beast depicted with two horns shown seated on its haunches as it opens its mouth in a warning roar; TOGETHER WITH a standing male figurine dressed […]
Estimate: 2000-3000